
Packaging Guidelines

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Written by Ecoparcel February 25, 2021

How to pack a parcel

When it's time to pack your boxes for the shipment, whether you are moving or just want to surprise another person living abroad, it's very easy to forget to put something inside or just get lost in your belongings. To ensure that everything fits in the box when packing your parcel and that the contents of the box are not damaged during the trip, it is important to take into account the arrangement of the items in the box and follow a few important rules. Here are some useful packaging guidelines for you to follow.

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Must-have Packing and Moving Supplies

We recommend that you purchase all the supplies you need for packing before starting to fill the boxes. Having all the necessary tools for packaging will ensure a high-quality result of the parcel packaging. Also, by packing your parcel responsibly, you will reduce the risk of it getting lost or missing, and you will protect the items inside.
You will need:

  • Double Walled Cardboard Boxes
  • Clear packing tape for the label
  • Shipping tape for the parcel box
  • Bubble wrap and packing peanuts for fragile objects
  • Plastic wrap for packing toiletries and items that consist of more individual parts and details

Boxes for Shipping

It is important to remind anyone planning to send a parcel in the near future that the latter cannot be sent in a bag. Unfortunately, a bag will not protect your items from the bumps and knocks which come with courier delivery, items inside can be damaged in transit and damage other items around them.

Not all cardboard boxes are the same and are suitable for international shipping and long-distance transportations. For safe and orderly travel of your parcel, we recommend choosing only new, high-quality boxes, since reused boxes offer less protection for the things inside. Items you send must be placed in a strong, double-walled cardboard box, it should also be clean and have no tears or rips. There is a chance, that the courier will not collect your parcel if it is not properly prepared for shipment. Quick reminder:

  • Moving boxes cannot be used for shipments as they are only suitable for storing and transporting belongings from one place to another nearby.
  • Packaging boxes are used for storing items only because single-lined walls are not strong enough to stay in a good shape and protect everything what is in the box during the shipping.
  • Shipping boxes, as the name suggests, are for shipping.

Tips for Fitting Multiple Items in the Same Box

1. First, place larger and heavier items like books and shoes on the bottom of the box. Then, fit smaller things around them, to fill smaller gaps. For example, if you have a small dish towel, ties, socks, underwear or jewellery, it can go inside your shoe, and if you also want to ship a collection of magnets, carefully squeeze them in each visible gap.

2. Rolling fabric items is the best way to fit the most in the box. Also, rolled clothes tend to arrive less wrinkled. For things like a light pillow or a blanket, we recommend using space-saving vacuum bags, which will turn your soft fluffy sweater or a blanket into a very thin square.

3. If you want to place several magazines in the box, either place them on the bottom of the box, along with the books or cling to the inside wall of the box. This way, the magazine will not crumble or interfere with stacking the remaining items.

Final note

When you have finished packing the box, make sure that there are no clearly visible gaps at the top, check that you have sealed the shipping tape well and securely. Also, if you are using a box that has already been used, check that there are no stickers or misleading notes on it.

When applying the label, make sure that you do not obscure important barcode, address, recipient name, and other important information. Cover the entire label with clear tape so that it does not get lost during the whole trip. An incorrectly affixed label can cause a delayed delivery .


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